The Generous Life

A Generous Person Will Prosper, those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. Prov. 11:25

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I am Travis

Welcome to my site! The goal is to spotlight wisdom and lessons I have learned along the way. Lessons I wish someone would have taught me when I was younger instead of the hard way. But Maybe…..Just Maybe I can help some of you create a better story. Let’s find out!

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The Prayer Wall

About Me

After 47 years on this earth I can say what you think is important usually isn’t. Your most cherished, faithful friends are the ones that are silent most of the time, but you know they are always there. If you don’t make a plan for life and continually evaluate it, life will still happen and you will wish you took more time to think then just do. My hope with this blog is to provide insights to live by that I wish I would have understood sooner.

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