There are a few actors who I have loved watching their movies no matter what they played and one of those top of the list for me has to be Jim Carrey!

Man I just feel like we would be best friends if we knew each other! His movies have been such great entertainment and fun for the whole family.

Jim Carrey’s  sense of humor since “In Living Color” when he played Fire Marshall Bill just got me!! Let Me Show You Something!!

I have watched and rewatched “The Grinch” more times than should be legally possible. Also high up on my rewatch list would have to be Ace Ventura, Truman Show, Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, Yes Man, Fun with Dick and Jane, The Mask, Dumb & Dumber is a normal daily reference.

With all of that said; Jim Carrey has struggled with all kinds of things on and off screen as many creative thinkers do.

I am not personally aware of all the struggles Jim has had to face, but I can begin to imagine the pressure it must be to be in Hollywood and constantly being pursued by the Paparazi. I assume someone like Jim needs massive amounts of alone time to recharge and re engage, but Hollywood and the mass media will not allow it! THE SHOW MUST GO ON!!

So over the years you have heard Jim Carrey pop off at events, passive aggressive comments, or flat out disdain for situations he was in. I could see and could only imagine as Jim Carrey continued to mature throughout his career the struggles for authenticity, the desire to have to something real no doubtedly is a real struggle.

It has been said that many times those who laugh the most and make others laugh are the ones who are struggling the deepest. I think of those dear men like Chris Farley and Robin Williams what they must have had to endure to make it one more day.

I wish that someone could have reached those men with the love of Jesus and I hope they got an opportunity meet Jesus in the end.

But Jim Carrey is such a beautiful soul with such a humble heart and talent. I remember his tribute to the Wayans family and honor that he gave them for them taking a chance on him with In Living Color.

I remember a video I watched of him winning an award and how he spoke about it really spoke volumes to me and his relationship with this life.

Just like another famous and wealthy man once said “Everything is Meaningless” I felt what Jim was trying to get across to his colleagues and to the world that what they have been chasing after has no real fulfillment.


Well first of all I know that it is God’s desire that not one should perish.

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

And I came across what seems to be a very vulnerable clip from Jim Carrey speaking about some tough times he had gone through and how it had helped him understand grace. Then he proceeded to speak about the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross and what it must have took to walk in forgiveness.


WOW! Jim Carrey shares how his personal suffering brought him closer to God. 🙏 Sometimes it’s on suffering that we relate to the forgiveness Jesus gave us through the cross, and realize our need for a Savior. (Longer video from Homeboy Industries) // #faith #faithoverfear #God #Godisgood #FYP #ChristianTikTok

♬ original sound – Michael Clouse

I am not sure if Jim Carrey has committed his life to Jesus Christ or not but I am praying that the Lord would not let him slip by without someone presenting the Gospel to him.

So please agree in prayer with me for Jim Carrey.

  1. That he would know the love and peace that comes with submitting your life to Jesus
  2. That there would be others who have a humble and pure heart for the Lord that could come around and strengthen him.
  3. That the troubles, trials, and disappointments of this life would no longer bring discouragement or depression but would be a reminder to Jim that this is not our home and that this life is a vapor and then we are with Jesus.

Only one life that will soon be past, but only what’s done for Christ will last.


We love you Jim Carrey! May the Lord Jesus be with you!


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